shifting this blog! + learning from life

Taken in Puerto Vallarta, March 2022

Hello, reader! You may have originally followed this blog for food-related stuffs. Since coming to college, I’ve learned and explored lots about the world beyond the food realm. Food will always be one of my dearest loves, but I’ll be shifting this blog into a platform for sharing some of my writing about thoughts from my various experiences and adventures.

That being said, I want to focus on a few aspects from the past year/two years of my life:

  1. Places and the memories they hold
  2. Falling in love and heartbreak
  3. Pursuing your passion as your job
  4. Meaningful friendships
  5. The sentimental value of objects and letting go
  6. Rejection
  7. The pursuit of happiness

I’ll start writing about these things in future posts, in no particular order nor respective fashion. I think all these topics intersect with each other, so maybe it’ll come out in multiple different posts focusing on different points in my life. These topics do sound a bit self-helpish so who knows where this series will take me.
